Sunday, August 8, 2010

August 8th.

The weirdest thing happened to me just now, and while I don't really believe in fate or purpose, and I'm sure it was just a coincidence - it still hit me like a ton of bricks.

Katelynn has been updating her facebook status all day about her parents wedding anniversary. I've been reading them, not thinking about it much when someone commented about how it's hard to forget 888. Two minutes before that "Wild Horses" came on my shuffle, the song Angie chose to play at my dad's funeral. Then as I read "888" "Seasons in the Sun" came on. The song Aunt Tonya played at my mom's funeral. That's when it hit me, my parents were married on 8878. I know this very well because Holly has several messages from my dad saved on her phone. One of them starts off saying "Good Morning Holly, it's Dad. I just wanted to call and tell you today is August 8th - the day your mother and I got married 31 years ago." I'm not sure what the rest of the message says at this point. It's been a few months since I've listened to it, and there are quite a few so it's hard telling what one says what.

Either way, today is that day. I feel like all of us kids should be together, but of course we're not. We're all more separated than we have ever been and I'm positive that it's dad's loss that's caused it. He's not calling all of us anymore and begging us to come over to dinner or planning a get together. We all are just in a state of stand still being, and that's a terrible thing to be.

It makes me so sad, but I'm going going to make the best of this day. I'll call my brothers and sisters, maybe go visit the grave and then later, because I can't share my parent's anniversary - I will share Katelynn's parent's with them. They're suppose to come over to the apartment later and make us dinner, so it should make up a little bit. It'll all be fine.

Happy 32nd Anniversary Mom and Dad. I know he made sure we'll never forget.


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