Thursday, April 8, 2010


Today has been a mix of aggravation and happiness.

Let's start off with the fact that I woke up to my niece coming down the stairs saying "You know it's noon, right?" I did not know it was noon since I had been freakishly sleeping like a rock. I don't even know why I slept like that, I am almost ALWAYS awake before 8:30am so there was really no explanation. I know yesterday was my 21st birthday but I can promise you I didn't drink a drop of alcohol so my elongated sleeping is really unexplained.

Anyway, once I was finally up for a while Joe Bro called. Which if you're a continuous reader you understand my weird issues I've been having with him. The whole feeling like we hate each other thing. Today's call totally erased all of those feelings and I'm feeling pretty excited about it. We talked for about 45 minutes and I convinced him to get a Facebook account. It was a good conversation and hopefully there will be many more in the future. ALSO! Last night Holly bought a new coffee pot, so I got to have coffee today, hurray! The bad parts is basically just that something personal came up with our driver to Home Opener tomorrow so we're kind of stuck without a ride. Everyone keeps suggesting stupid ideas that would obviously not work, so it's getting aggravating. Half the people are whining about not wanting to go now, and the other half are whining about not wanting to do one thing or another. It's whatever though. I don't even care at this point, Happy Birthday...

Right now I need to get Autumn reading for Church pictures and I'm sort of in the middle of watching the Tigers catch up to the Royals. We'll see..

I'll be back EARLY tomorrow...well that is if we still go and everyone stops whining.


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